Hello lovelies! Hopefully you've been enjoying my website thus far. This is the place I'll be dumping anything and everything essentially. Use the navigation bar on the left to access relevant topics that pique your interest.
Entries may contain themes of S/H, su//c!dal thoughts, depression and other sensitive topics.
I discovered neocities in mid march 2021, and i was in love! My first website was called kaidouswh0re, after Shun Kaidou from Saiki K. The design was basic af. It was pink and had a pochacco png on the index. There was a grey sidebar where mewtwo, squirtle and pikachu lived alongside the navigation links. Those were the days when i didn't even know what the br tag was, and just relied on the gaps that p tags gave, to divide text. I plastered something along the lines of "I've promised myself not to leave this earth until my website is static", and it was everywhere. Every page you clicked on, it would say that in the left hand corner of the screen. Not as anything as a means for concern, but just as a little reminder to me as I was coding. I have struggled with depression since roughly 2018. It got 1000x worse in lockdown. I ended up cutting off 1/3 of my hair and I had begun to s/h. Obviously camhs were taking the piss, and my endless amounts of journals i had kept throughout 2020 and 2021 weren't getting me anywhere. I genuinely thought i had nothing to live for anymore. And then boom, neocities :3
No but seriously, everytime a "bad" thought dared to enter my mind, I'd switch on my sorry excuse for a laptop (which was practically falling apart), and code for as long as my mouse would let me. I poured everything into that crummy website, and I treasured it. Recently my dad told me to stop messing around coding html as it wasn't going to get me anywhere, and told me to delete this website. Luckily he didn't know the name of it so i deleted kaidouswh0re in it's place. RIP kaidouswh0re 2021 - 2022. Anyways, ever since I started in march 2021, I haven't stopped. This doesn't mean I'm tremendously amazing at it, because I'm not. I just jump on here, put in a few divs and lazily slap on some css and be in my own little happy world. Coding freely like this sparks so much joy for me!! I'm not judged on here. I'm just me. I love seeing other neocities users websites as well, so i can learn from them and potentially improve. I really hope whoever reads this finds as much joy from coding as I do. :)
I truly believe there are no benefits of being on social media, and I say that as someone who has been active on various socials from age 10 or so. I haven't enjoyed posting as I've always felt severely out of place. I don't have any friends I actively talk to and I don't want to shorten my attention span further than I already have. I have felt pressured to remain "connected" and active on social media as I was always missing viral videos and things of which friends would reference. Everyone but me would understand the reference and enjoy it. Even now that I have lengthened my time on social media, I'm not consuming the same things as them to understand them. I have no interest in continuing, and priortise my comfort. Coding is a lot slower and promotes learning. Yes, I am still trauma dumping online, at least I'm also developing coding skills (even if they aren't as relevant nowadays). Fuck social media, code instead !